Among them, the welding of pole foil to pole sheet is to connect all the Yin and Yang pole foil inside the battery to the corresponding pole sheet, so as to transfer the energy inside the battery to the outside. Hundreds of lithium-ion cells make up a typical lithium-ion battery pack. Each battery unit is combined in series or parallel. If the connection between a pole foil and a pole piece fails, the output of the whole battery pack will fail. Therefore, a steady and firm connection between polar foil and polar sheet is very important.
Ultrasonic metal welding, which will fasten the multilayer foil to the pole piece, is feasible.
The soldering process does not damage the foil.
Bonding occurs on the foil to pole (joint) surface and between each foil and foil, providing a stronger, more conductive metal connection.
Infrared photography showed that all joints remained below 60ºC during the welding cycle, indicating that the process did not cause damage to nearby thermal elements.